Thursday, December 15, 2005

These are ten highlights of my year, 2005. Of course there were low and difficult periods, but through acceptance and letting go I have/do deal with them and process them and there is no need to dig them up and dwell on them.

-Watching in awe and amazement as my friends, colleagues, blog buddies and community friends responded with unconditional love and compassion by sending cards, flowers, gifts and money to Ting Chen, the Chinese girl whose father was murdered on the streets of the Bronx for small change.

-Flying to London to see The Pogues reunion concert at Brixton Academy in London.

-Speaking at the Charles Dickens museum in London on that same trip.

-Learning that my sister is pregnant and that I am going to be an uncle for the first time.

-Flying to Dublin for 5 days and seeing U2 play their hometown on a Friday and Saturday night.

-My five week trip to China in April and May and especially my cruise down the Yangse River, the very spinal cord of the country.

-The continued health of my family and friends (knock on wood)

-Launching my own company in May/Getting my first deal in June

-Seeing Bella Italia and the village of my ancestors

-Having so many new and interesting people come into my life this year. People who have shown me friendship, love and good fellowship and who have taught me a great deal about the world, the soul, the flesh.