Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm back from Florida. I love going to Florida, I get to practice my Spanish without using my passport. The wedding on Sunday was very beautiful, the ceremony on the beach, a glowing bride in white, a great reception.

People have asked where the love on my 2005/6 "Love, Learning and Money" world tour has been. Well, there was plenty of it this weekend. My love for my friend, the love and joy of the couple and their family and friends.

I was without Internet access for four days, its been a long time since I haven't been online for that long. It was a good/bad kind of experience.

Its Thanksgiving week, and I have so much to be thankful and grateful for; the roof over my head, the food in my belly, the clothes on my back, my health, my job, my family, my friends.

I am amazed by and thankful for the good health, good fortune, and love in my life.